Will Elijah be one of the two witnesses?

The power to shut up the heavens so that it doesn't rain is reminiscent of Elijah's prophecy in 1 Kings 17.

The idea of two witnesses appearing during the end times is a fascinating topic that has been debated for years. According to the Book of Revelation, two witnesses will appear before the end of the world to preach the gospel and prophesy.

Many people believe that Elijah, the prophet from the Old Testament, will be one of the two witnesses. In this blog post, we will explore this idea and try to answer the question: will Elijah be one of the two witnesses?

Who are the two witnesses?

The two witnesses are mentioned in the Book of Revelation, chapter 11. According to the Bible, they will appear during the end times and prophesy for 1260 days. They will have the power to shut up the heavens so that it doesn't rain and to turn water into blood. They will also have the power to strike the earth with plagues. After the 1260 days of prophesying, they will be killed by the beast that comes out of the abyss. However, after three and a half days, they will be resurrected and taken up to heaven.

Why do people believe Elijah will be one of the two witnesses?

There are several reasons why people believe Elijah will be one of the two witnesses. First of all, Elijah is one of the most prominent prophets in the Old Testament. He was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind, and it is believed that he did not die. Secondly, Elijah is mentioned in the New Testament as well. In the Gospel of Matthew, it is said that Elijah must come before the Messiah. This has led some people to believe that Elijah will appear during the end times.

Another reason why people believe Elijah will be one of the two witnesses is that he fits the description of the witnesses in the Book of Revelation. The power to shut up the heavens so that it doesn't rain is reminiscent of Elijah's prophecy in 1 Kings 17. The power to turn water into blood is similar to the plagues that were inflicted on Egypt during the time of Moses. The fact that the witnesses are killed and then resurrected is also reminiscent of Elijah's story.

What are the arguments against Elijah being one of the two witnesses?

While there are many arguments in favor of Elijah being one of the two witnesses, there are also some arguments against it. First of all, the Book of Revelation does not mention Elijah by name. While the witnesses are described in detail, there is no mention of Elijah specifically. Secondly, the power to shut up the heavens and turn water into blood are not unique to Elijah. Moses also had these powers, and there were other prophets in the Old Testament who performed miracles. Finally, some people believe that the two witnesses represent the church, rather than individual people.


Ultimately, we cannot know for sure who the witnesses will be until they appear. However, what we do know is that they will preach the gospel and prophesy during the end times. And that is something that we should all be preparing for, regardless of who the witnesses turn out to be.

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Jamie Larson