Where is headcovering commanded in the Tanakh?

The practice of headcovering is a common tradition among many religious communities, including those who follow the Tanakh. While headcovering is not explicitly commanded in the Tanakh, there are various references to the practice throughout the text.

One example of headcovering in the Tanakh can be found in Genesis 24, where Rebekah covers her head before meeting Isaac. This act is seen as a sign of modesty and respect for her future husband. Similarly, in Ruth 3, Ruth is instructed to uncover Boaz's feet and lie down next to him, which was a sign of her willingness to marry him. This act was also seen as a sign of respect and modesty.

In addition, in 1 Corinthians 11, the apostle Paul references the practice of headcovering among early Christian communities. He argues that women should cover their heads when praying or prophesying, as a sign of submission to their husbands and to God. While this is not a direct commandment from the Tanakh, it is seen as a continuation of the tradition of headcovering in Jewish culture.

It is important to note that the practice of headcovering is not universal among Jewish communities. Some Orthodox Jewish women cover their heads with scarves or hats, while others do not. Similarly, some Reform Jewish communities do not practice headcovering at all.

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Jamie Larson