What is the meaning, significance, etymology, and definition of the word "Selah" in KJV?

The word "Selah" appears frequently throughout the King James Version of the Bible, particularly in the book of Psalms. The meaning and significance of the word are not entirely clear, but there are several theories about its etymology and definition.

The word "Selah" is believed to have originated from the Hebrew word "s-l-h," which means "to praise" or "to lift up." It is also thought to have been derived from the Hebrew word "salal," which means "to pause" or "to stop." Therefore, some scholars believe that the word "Selah" may be a musical notation indicating a pause or break in the music to allow for reflection or contemplation.

Another theory about the meaning of "Selah" is that it is a call to worship or an exhortation to praise. It may be a way of encouraging listeners or readers to reflect on the meaning of the words being spoken or sung and to offer praise and worship to God.

The significance of "Selah" in the King James Version of the Bible is not entirely clear. Some believe that it is simply a musical notation, while others believe that it has a deeper spiritual meaning. It may be a way of emphasizing the importance of the words being spoken or sung and encouraging listeners or readers to meditate on them.

In modern times, the word "Selah" has become a popular term used in Christian music, particularly in contemporary worship. It is often used as a way of indicating a pause or break in the music to allow for reflection and contemplation.

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Jamie Larson