What is the Bible verse at the beginning of the movie Legion?

The Bible verse that appears at the beginning of Legion is Psalm 34:11-14.

Legion is a 2010 supernatural action-horror film that tells the story of the Archangel Michael, who rebels against God and defends humanity against a legion of angels sent to bring about the end of the world.

The film opens with a Bible verse that sets the tone for the story and establishes the religious themes that pervade the film. In this blog post, we will explore the Bible verse at the beginning of the movie Legion and its significance.

The Bible verse that appears at the beginning of Legion is Psalm 34:11-14, which reads as follows:

"Come, my children, listen to me;
I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
Whoever of you loves life
and desires to see many good days,
keep your tongue from evil
and your lips from telling lies.
Turn from evil and do good;
seek peace and pursue it."

This verse is significant because it sets the stage for the religious themes that are explored throughout the film. The verse begins with an invitation to come and listen, suggesting that there is something important to be learned.

The speaker then promises to teach the "fear of the Lord," which is a common theme in the Bible that refers to a deep reverence and respect for God. This theme is central to the story of Legion, as the characters must confront the reality of God's power and wrath.

The verse goes on to describe the benefits of following God's ways, including a long and happy life. This idea is echoed in the film, as the characters must choose between following God's ways or facing the consequences of their actions. Those who choose to follow God's ways are rewarded, while those who do not suffer the consequences.

The verse also emphasizes the importance of avoiding evil and pursuing peace. This is another central theme of the film, as the characters must confront the evil that threatens to destroy humanity and work together to find a peaceful solution.

In addition to setting the tone for the film, the Bible verse at the beginning of Legion also serves to establish the religious context in which the story takes place.

The film draws heavily on Christian mythology and themes, including the idea of angels and demons battling for control of the world. By opening with a Bible verse, the film makers are signaling to the audience that they are entering a world that is deeply steeped in religious tradition.

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Jamie Larson