What Is A Masonic Bible

A Masonic bible is a Bible that is often used in Masonic lodges or for Masonic rituals or ceremonies. It is essentially a standard Bible, but may contain additional material or features that are of particular significance to Freemasons, a fraternal organization that traces its origins to the medieval stonemason guilds.

Some Masonic bibles may include Masonic symbols or emblems, such as the square and compass, which are often used in Masonic ritual and signify the importance of morality and ethics to the organization. They may also include explanatory notes or commentary on certain passages or verses that are of particular interest or relevance to Masons.

Overall, the use of the Masonic bible is part of the broader tradition of incorporating religious symbolism and teachings into Masonic practice, which is intended to promote moral and spiritual development among its members. However, it is important to note that Masonic lodges do not advocate for any particular religion or religious doctrine, and individuals of any faith are welcome to join, so the use of the Masonic bible is entirely optional in most cases.

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Jamie Larson