What does the Bible say will be going on before Jesus returns?

The Bible contains many prophecies about the end times and the return of Jesus Christ. While there is much debate and disagreement among scholars and theologians about the specifics of these prophecies, there are some general themes that are widely recognized as being associated with the end times.

One of the most prominent themes in the Bible’s prophecies about the end times is the presence of widespread conflict, chaos, and suffering. Jesus himself warned of “wars and rumours of wars” in Matthew 24:6, and the book of Revelation describes a series of catastrophic events, including wars, natural disasters, and plagues, that will occur before the return of Christ.

Another theme that is associated with the end times is the rise of false prophets and false teachings. Jesus warned of false messiahs and false prophets who would deceive many in Matthew 24:11, and the book of Revelation describes a false prophet who will lead people astray and promote worship of the Antichrist.

A third theme that is associated with the end times is the persecution of Christians. Jesus warned that his followers would be persecuted and hated by the world in Matthew 24:9, and the book of Revelation describes a time of intense persecution and martyrdom for believers.

Finally, the Bible’s prophecies about the end times also include a message of hope and redemption. Despite the chaos and suffering that will occur before the return of Christ, the Bible teaches that God will ultimately triumph over evil and establish his kingdom on earth. The book of Revelation describes a new heaven and a new earth, where there will be no more pain, suffering, or death.

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Jamie Larson