What Does The Bible Say About The Sun

The Bible mentions the sun several times, both as a physical object that provides light and warmth to the earth and as a symbol of God's power and glory.

In Psalm 19, for example, the sun is described as being like a "bridegroom coming out of his chamber", rejoicing "like a champion running his course" (Psalm 19:4-5, NIV). The passage goes on to say that the heavens declare the glory of God, and that the sun, moon, and stars all bear witness to God's handiwork.

Similarly, in the book of Malachi, God is described as being like the sun, rising "with healing in its rays" (Malachi 4:2, NIV). The passage goes on to say that those who fear God will be blessed and that the wicked will be overcome.

The sun is also mentioned in various other passages throughout the Bible, often as a symbol of God's power and sovereignty over creation. For example, in Joshua 10:13, it is said that the sun stood still in the sky for a whole day during Joshua's battle against the Amorites, as a sign of God's favor and victory.

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Jamie Larson