What does pro-life mean in Christianity?

The Bible emphasizes the divine act of creation and the special place of humanity within the created order, underscoring the sacredness of life as a reflection of God's sovereignty and love.

The term "pro-life" in Christianity is often associated with a belief in the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. It encompasses a set of ethical and moral convictions that affirm the inherent value and dignity of every human being, based on the teachings and principles found in the Bible and Christian tradition.

At the heart of the pro-life stance in Christianity is the understanding that human life is a sacred gift from God and is to be protected, cherished, and valued at every stage of development. This perspective is rooted in the belief that human beings are created in the image of God and possess intrinsic worth and significance, regardless of age, ability, or circumstance.

From a theological standpoint, the pro-life position is informed by biblical teachings that affirm the God-given nature of life and the responsibility to safeguard and nurture it. The Bible emphasizes the divine act of creation and the special place of humanity within the created order, underscoring the sacredness of life as a reflection of God's sovereignty and love.

One of the foundational biblical passages often cited in support of the pro-life position is found in Psalm 139, where the psalmist declares the intimate involvement of God in the formation of human life in the womb. This poetic expression of God's creative agency and care for every individual serves as a powerful affirmation of the sanctity of human life from its earliest beginnings.

The Christian pro-life ethic extends beyond the issue of abortion to encompass a holistic commitment to the protection and flourishing of human life in all its dimensions. This includes advocating for the dignity and well-being of the unborn, the elderly, the disabled, and those at the end of life, as well as addressing issues such as poverty, injustice, and violence that threaten the sanctity of human life.

The pro-life perspective also emphasizes the importance of compassion, support, and practical assistance for individuals facing unplanned pregnancies, as well as a commitment to fostering a culture of life that values and upholds the rights and needs of every person, especially the most vulnerable and marginalized.

While the pro-life position is often associated with opposition to abortion, it is important to recognize that it encompasses a broader vision of affirming and protecting human life in all its forms. This includes advocating for policies and practices that uphold human dignity, promote the common good, and advance the well-being of individuals and communities.

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Jamie Larson