What Does God's Voice Sound Like

The Bible depicts the voice of God in different ways. In the Old Testament, Exodus 33:11 describes Moses speaking to God face-to-face, as a man speaks with his friend. In Exodus 20, the voice of God is like thunder and lightning when he delivers the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai.

In 1 Kings 19, Elijah the prophet, hears the voice of God as "a still small voice" after an earthquake, a strong wind, and a fire. Similarly, in Psalm 29, the voice of God is described as powerful and majestic, thundering over the waters.

In the New Testament, Jesus describes his voice as a shepherd's voice that his sheep know and follow in John 10. In Revelation 1:15, Jesus is described as having a voice like the sound of many waters.

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Jamie Larson