What Deities are Mentioned in the Bible and Which Ones Were Worshipped by the Israelites?

Yahweh is the primary deity in the Bible and is worshipped by Jews and Christians. Yahweh is considered the one true God and is often referred to as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

The Bible is the holy book for Christians, and it contains various references to deities. The majority of these deities are not worshipped by Christians, but they are mentioned in the Bible. In this blog post, we will discuss the deities mentioned in the Bible and which ones were worshipped by the Israelites.

Deities Mentioned in the Bible

The Bible mentions several deities, including gods and goddesses. Here are some of the most commonly mentioned deities in the Bible:

  1. Yahweh: Yahweh is the primary deity in the Bible and is worshipped by Jews and Christians. Yahweh is considered the one true God and is often referred to as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
  2. Baal: Baal is a Canaanite god who is mentioned several times in the Bible. Baal was worshipped by the Canaanites and was believed to be the god of fertility, rain, and thunder.
  3. Asherah: Asherah is a goddess who was worshipped by the Canaanites and was believed to be the wife of Baal. Asherah was also worshipped by some Israelites, despite being banned by the Israelite God.
  4. Dagon: Dagon is a Philistine god who is mentioned in the Bible. Dagon was worshipped by the Philistines and was believed to be the god of agriculture and fertility.
  5. Moloch: Moloch is a god who was worshipped by the Ammonites and was believed to require child sacrifices.

Which Deities Were Worshipped by the Israelites?

The Israelites worshipped Yahweh as their primary deity, but they also worshipped other deities at different times. The Israelites’ worship of other deities was a significant issue throughout the Old Testament, and it caused many conflicts and struggles.

One of the most significant examples of the Israelites’ worship of other deities is the story of the Golden Calf. The Israelites had just been released from slavery in Egypt and were wandering in the desert when they created a golden calf and worshipped it instead of Yahweh. This story highlights the Israelites’ struggle to remain faithful to Yahweh and their tendency to worship other deities.

Another example of the Israelites’ worship of other deities is the story of King Solomon. Despite being a devout follower of Yahweh, King Solomon married many foreign women who worshipped other deities. Over time, Solomon began to worship these deities, which caused him to fall out of favor with Yahweh.


As Christians, we believe in Yahweh as the one true God and do not worship any other deities. However, it’s essential to understand the historical context of the Bible and the Israelites’ struggles with worshipping other deities.

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Jamie Larson