What are some of the worst misprints in the Bible?

The Bible is one of the most widely read and influential texts in human history. Over the centuries, countless copies of the Bible have been printed and distributed around the world, but unfortunately, not all of these copies have been free from errors. In fact, some of the worst misprints in the Bible have led to confusion, controversy, and even laughter among readers. In this post, we will take a look at some of the worst misprints in the Bible.

The "Wicked Bible"

In 1631, a printing of the King James Version of the Bible was published in London with a major error in the Ten Commandments. The word "not" was left out of the seventh commandment, which reads "Thou shalt commit adultery." The Bible became known as the "Wicked Bible" and caused a scandal in England. The printers were fined and had their printing license revoked.

The "Sin On Bible"

In 1716, a German printing of the Bible mistakenly printed "sin on" instead of "sin no more" in John 8:11. The error was caught and corrected in later printings, but the "Sin On Bible" remains a popular collector's item.

The "Lion Bible"

In 1804, a printing of the Bible in Wales mistakenly printed "The lion shall eat straw like the ox" instead of "The wolf shall dwell with the lamb" in Isaiah 11:6. The error was corrected in later printings, but the "Lion Bible" remains a famous misprint.

The "Judas Bible"

In 1611, a printing of the King James Version of the Bible mistakenly printed "Judas" instead of "Jesus" in Matthew 26:36. The verse read "Then Judas came with them to a place called Gethsemane," instead of "Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane." The printing became known as the "Judas Bible" and was quickly recalled, but a few copies remain in existence.

The "Printers Bible"

In 1702, a printing of the King James Version of the Bible mistakenly printed "Printers" instead of "Princes" in Psalm 118:23. The verse read "The stone which the printers refused is become the headstone of the corner," instead of "The stone which the builders refused is become the headstone of the corner." The Bible became known as the "Printers Bible" and is another popular collector's item.

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Jamie Larson