Jesus is a corrupted rendition of His real name Yeshua. How did this corruption come about?

Many people are surprised to learn that the name "Jesus" is actually a corrupted version of the original Hebrew name "Yeshua." This corruption came about over time as the name passed through different languages and cultures. In this blog post, we will explore the history behind this corruption and its significance for Christians today.

The name "Yeshua" was a common name in ancient Israel, and it means "salvation" or "deliverance." It was the name given to Joshua, the successor of Moses, and it was also the name of many other figures in the Old Testament. When the New Testament was written, the Greek language was the dominant language of the region, and the name "Yeshua" was rendered as "Iesous" in Greek.

Over time, the name "Iesous" was further corrupted as it passed through other languages and cultures. In Latin, it became "Iesus," and in English, it became "Jesus." This corruption was largely due to the differences in pronunciation and writing systems between the various languages. In some cases, it was also influenced by the religious and cultural biases of those who were translating and transcribing the name.

Despite the corruption of the name, its meaning and significance remain the same. Whether it is pronounced as "Yeshua" or "Jesus," the name represents the salvation and deliverance that Jesus Christ offers to all who believe in him. Additionally, the corruption of the name serves as a reminder of the cultural and linguistic diversity of the early Christian church, and the ways in which the message of the gospel has been transmitted across different languages and cultures throughout history.

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Jamie Larson