Is Veronica wiping the face of Jesus in the Bible?

Veronica is not mentioned in the Bible, but rather in Catholic tradition. According to legend, Veronica was a woman who saw Jesus carrying his cross to Calvary and was moved with compassion. She offered him her veil to wipe his face, and when he gave it back to her, his image was miraculously imprinted on the cloth.

This event is not recorded in the Bible, but rather is part of Catholic tradition. The name "Veronica" is not found in the Bible either. The woman who wiped Jesus' face is not named in the Gospels, and there is no mention of a cloth or veil with his image on it.

Despite the lack of biblical evidence, the story of Veronica and the veil has become a popular part of Catholic tradition. The image of Jesus' face on the veil is known as the "Veil of Veronica" and has been venerated by Catholics for centuries.

The story of Veronica wiping the face of Jesus serves as a reminder of the importance of compassion and kindness towards others. It also highlights the power of faith and belief in miracles.

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Jamie Larson