If you could write a long-winded letter to Jesus and knew with absolute mathematical certainty he would read it, what would you say and why?

If I could write a long-winded letter to Jesus and knew with absolute mathematical certainty he would read it, there are so many things I would want to say. First and foremost, I would express my gratitude for all the blessings in my life. I would thank him for the gift of life itself, for the people he has placed in my life, and for the countless opportunities and experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today.

Next, I would want to ask Jesus some questions. I would ask him about the meaning of life and what his ultimate plan is for humanity. I would ask him about the nature of suffering and why there is so much pain and injustice in the world. I would also ask him about the afterlife and what happens to us when we die.

Most importantly, I would want to share my own struggles and doubts with Jesus. I would tell him about my fears and insecurities, my failures and shortcomings, and the times when I have felt lost and alone. I would ask him for guidance and strength to overcome my challenges and to live a life that is pleasing to him.

In writing this letter, I would also want to express my love for Jesus and my desire to follow him more closely. I would confess my sins and ask for his forgiveness, and I would commit myself to living a life of service and compassion towards others.

Ultimately, my letter to Jesus would be a reflection of my deepest hopes and desires, my fears and doubts, and my faith in his love and mercy. It would be a testament to the power of prayer and the incredible privilege of having a personal relationship with the Son of God.

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Jamie Larson