How many examples can you find in the Bible about narcissism?

The Bible is a treasure trove of ancient wisdom, containing stories and teachings that have shaped humanity's faith and moral compass for centuries. Among the various themes explored within its pages, the prevalent subject of narcissism persists, providing valuable lessons for individuals and societies alike. In this blog post, we will dive into the Bible's narratives to uncover examples of narcissism and explore the consequences of such behavior.

The Tale of King Nebuchadnezzar - Daniel 4

One striking example of narcissism can be found in the book of Daniel. The story illustrates the monarch, King Nebuchadnezzar, who finds himself consumed by his own power, wealth, and splendor. His narcissism becomes evident when he arrogantly claims his accomplishments without acknowledging the role of a higher power. Consequently, he receives a divine punishment, ultimately leading to his humbling and recognition of God's sovereignty.
Lessons: The story highlights the dangers of unchecked self-importance, emphasizing the importance of humility and recognizing the role of others and a higher power in our successes.

The Temptations of Jesus - Matthew 4

Another notable example can be found in the Gospel of Matthew, where Jesus, fasting in the wilderness, is tempted by the devil. Satan presents various temptations, appealing to Jesus' ego and desire for recognition. He offers him political power, fame, and the opportunity to prove his worth. However, Jesus resists, demonstrating humility, and placing his trust in God rather than seeking personal glory.
Lessons: This account reminds us of the importance of resisting the allure of narcissistic tendencies, promoting humility, and placing value on inner virtue over external validation.

The Parable of the Rich Fool - Luke 12

In the New Testament, Jesus shares the parable of the rich fool. It centers around a wealthy man who, upon amassing great wealth, becomes preoccupied with his own desires and self-indulgence. He neglects to consider the welfare of others, focusing solely on himself. In the end, God confronts him, labeling him a fool for not realizing the temporality of his riches.
Lessons: This parable serves as a cautionary tale regarding the dangers of materialistic obsessions, selfishness, and disregard for the needs of others. It reminds us to cultivate a sense of empathy and generosity, understanding the importance of selflessness and gratitude.


The Bible offers a profound examination of human nature, including the intricate presence of narcissism interwoven throughout its narratives. By carefully studying these accounts, we gain valuable insights into the repercussions of self-centeredness and egotism, encouraging us to reflect on our own behaviors and attitudes.

It is essential to recognize the dangers of narcissism, as it inhibits personal growth, hampers meaningful relationships, and undermines our ability to empathize with others. Instead, let us strive for humility, gratitude, and selflessness, finding inspiration in the Bible's moral teachings and aiming to navigate a path that cherishes communal harmony and spiritual growth.

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Jamie Larson