How did Issachar’s family inherit lower Galilee, including the Valley of Jezreel?

Issachar’s family was one of the twelve tribes of Israel that descended from Jacob. According to the Bible, the tribe of Issachar was granted an inheritance in the land of Canaan, which was later divided among the twelve tribes. The inheritance of Issachar was situated in the northern part of Israel, which included the Valley of Jezreel. But how did Issachar’s family come to inherit this land?

The book of Joshua provides some insight into the process of dividing the land among the tribes. After the Israelites conquered Canaan, the land was divided among the twelve tribes by casting lots. This was done in the presence of Joshua, the high priest Eleazar, and the leaders of the tribes. The lot determined the portion of land that each tribe would receive.

In Joshua 19:17-23, the inheritance of Issachar is described. The text mentions several cities and villages that were part of their inheritance, including Jezreel, which was located in the Valley of Jezreel. The text also notes that the border of their inheritance extended to the Jordan River.

The Valley of Jezreel was a strategic location in ancient times, as it was a major route for trade and commerce. It was also an important agricultural region, known for its fertile soil. The valley was situated between two mountain ranges, which made it a natural passageway for armies and caravans.

The inheritance of Issachar in the Valley of Jezreel gave them access to this important trade route and allowed them to benefit from the region’s agricultural resources. It was a valuable inheritance that provided economic and strategic advantages to the tribe.

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Jamie Larson