Can you explain the phrase “the lamb that was slain” from the Bible's Book of Revelation?

The phrase "the lamb that was slain" appears several times in the Bible's Book of Revelation, and it has become a significant symbol in Christian theology. The Book of Revelation is the last book of the New Testament and is traditionally attributed to the apostle John. The book contains a series of visions and prophecies about the end of the world and the second coming of Christ.

The phrase "the lamb that was slain" appears in Revelation 5:6, which describes a vision of a heavenly throne room. In the vision, John sees a scroll with seven seals that no one is able to open. Then, a lamb appears who is able to open the seals. The lamb is described as having "seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth" (Revelation 5:6).

The phrase "the lamb that was slain" is used in Revelation 5:12, which describes a hymn of praise to the lamb: "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!" The phrase is also used in Revelation 13:8, which describes the worship of a beast that rises from the sea: "And all who dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain."

The lamb is a common symbol in the Bible, representing innocence, sacrifice, and redemption. In the Old Testament, lambs were often used as sacrifices to atone for sins. In the New Testament, Jesus is often referred to as the lamb of God who was sacrificed for the sins of humanity.

The phrase "the lamb that was slain" specifically refers to Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross. The lamb is slain, or killed, as a sacrifice for the sins of humanity. In Christian theology, Jesus' death on the cross is seen as a sacrifice that allows for the forgiveness of sins and the redemption of humanity.

The phrase "the lamb that was slain" is also connected to the idea of victory over death. In the book of Revelation, the lamb is able to open the seals on the scroll and bring about the end of the world. This victory over death is seen as a triumph of good over evil and a sign of God's ultimate power and authority.

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Jamie Larson