Are the words and work of the returned Lord additions to the Bible?

The Bible teaches that Jesus will return to Earth at a time of God's choosing. In Acts 1:11, it says, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven." This verse suggests that Jesus will return to Earth in the same way that he ascended into heaven.

Some Christians believe that the words and work of the returned Lord are additions to the Bible, while others believe that they are a continuation of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Those who believe that the words and work of the returned Lord are additions to the Bible argue that the Bible is a complete and sufficient source of guidance for Christian life and that there is no need for additional teachings.

However, those who believe that the words and work of the returned Lord are a continuation of the teachings of Jesus Christ argue that the Bible is not meant to be a static document but rather a living and evolving source of guidance. They believe that the return of Jesus Christ is a significant event that requires new teachings and guidance.

Ultimately, whether the words and work of the returned Lord are additions to the Bible or a continuation of the teachings of Jesus Christ is a matter of interpretation. However, it is important to remember that the Bible teaches that Jesus will return to Earth at a time of God's choosing. As Christians, our focus should be on living a righteous and holy life, following the teachings of Jesus Christ as outlined in the Bible, and being prepared for His return.

In conclusion, the question of whether the words and work of the returned Lord are additions to the Bible or a continuation of the teachings of Jesus Christ is a matter of interpretation.

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Jamie Larson