Why were there no exorcisms in the Gospel of John?

The Gospel of John is one of the four canonical gospels in the New Testament, and it's notable for its unique style and content. One of the most striking differences between the Gospel of John and the other gospels is the absence of any accounts of exorcisms performed by Jesus. While the other gospels are filled with stories of Jesus casting out demons and healing the sick, the Gospel of John is notably silent on this topic. So why is this the case?

One possible explanation is that the Gospel of John was written at a later time than the other gospels, and the author may have had different priorities and concerns. The Gospel of John places a greater emphasis on the divinity of Jesus and his relationship with God, and it may be that the author chose to focus on these themes rather than on the miraculous healings and exorcisms performed by Jesus.

Another possible explanation is that the Gospel of John may have been written for a different audience than the other gospels. The Gospel of John was likely written for a community of believers who were already familiar with the story of Jesus and his miracles. As such, the author may have assumed that his audience didn't need to be reminded of these miracles and instead chose to focus on other aspects of Jesus' teachings and ministry.

It's also worth noting that while the Gospel of John doesn't contain any specific accounts of exorcisms, it does contain passages that suggest Jesus had the power to cast out demons. For example, in John 10:21, Jesus is accused of being possessed by a demon, and he responds by saying, "I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?"

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Jamie Larson