What is the Structure of Psalm 103?

Psalm 103 can be divided into four main sections. Each section focuses on a different aspect of God's character and the benefits of being in a relationship with Him.

Psalm 103 is a well-known psalm in the Bible that celebrates God's goodness and mercy. The psalm is structured in a way that highlights various aspects of God's character and the benefits of being in a relationship with Him. In this blog post, we will discuss the structure and movement of Psalm 103.

Structure of Psalm 103

Psalm 103 can be divided into four main sections. Each section focuses on a different aspect of God's character and the benefits of being in a relationship with Him. Here is the structure of Psalm 103:

Praise for God's Character (verses 1-5)

The first section of Psalm 103 is a call to praise God for His character. The psalmist encourages the reader to remember all of the good things that God has done and to praise Him for His mercy, love, and faithfulness. This section sets the tone for the rest of the psalm and emphasizes the importance of remembering God's goodness.

God's Forgiveness and Love (verses 6-14)

The second section of Psalm 103 focuses on God's forgiveness and love. The psalmist reminds the reader that God does not treat them as they deserve and that He is merciful and compassionate. This section also includes a comparison between God's love and the height of the heavens, emphasizing the vastness and incomprehensibility of God's love.

God's Sovereignty and Care (verses 15-18)

The third section of Psalm 103 focuses on God's sovereignty and care. The psalmist reminds the reader that God is in control of all things and that His love extends to all generations. This section also includes a comparison between human life and the grass of the field, emphasizing the fleeting nature of human existence and the eternal nature of God's love.

Call to Praise God (verses 19-22)

The final section of Psalm 103 is a call to praise God. The psalmist encourages all of creation to praise God for His greatness and His works. This section emphasizes the importance of recognizing God's sovereignty and praising Him for His goodness.


As we read and meditate on Psalm 103, we are reminded of the greatness and goodness of God, and we are encouraged to praise Him for His mercy, love, and faithfulness.

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Jamie Larson