What is the mystery of God

I believe God has a special preference for good people, and he desires that his secrets be known only by them. The mystery of God is multifaceted, and it includes three primary mysteries which are part of one big mystery.

Mystery is a concept that can only be understood through revelation. It is an enigma. In Freemasonry, initiates must go through different degrees to fully comprehend this revelation.

To understand the mystery of God, one must first understand why God would have a mystery in the first place. This is because God wants to distinguish the good from the profane.

I believe God has a special preference for good people, and he desires that his secrets be known only by them. The mystery of God is multifaceted, and it includes three primary mysteries which are part of one big mystery.

  1. God has an evil counterpart named Satan, with whom he is continually in conflict for the souls of humans. It is an individual's choice whether to be Godly or demonic.
  2. God, the Holy Spirit, and Christ are the same. Christ was born through the influence of the Holy Spirit. However, the three are not different.
  3. God will ultimately eliminate Satan and all evil people from this world.

In conclusion, the mystery of God is a vast and complex concept that invites us to explore the depths of the divine and the human experience. It is a lifelong pursuit that requires humility, curiosity, and an open mind.

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Jamie Larson