How would you respond to someone who believes that God is good, but the Bible is not?

So, I would not get angry at such a person. Instead, I would try to reason with him and ask him to read the main books of the Bible, such as the canonical Gospels and the Old Testament book of Psalms.

The Bible, revered as the word of God, is not just a collection of stories, but a divine text believed to have been inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is a profound influence that guides and shapes its content.

For someone who believes and argues that God is good but the Bible is not, I would respond by saying that such a person is ignorant.

Why is God good? The Bible reveals that his love for us is not based on conditions or expectations but is a constant, comforting, and secure presence in our lives, forming the essence of God.

A mere reading of a few passages from the Bible, like the Book of Psalms and the Book of Proverbs, makes it clear that the Bible glorifies the supreme entity we know as God.

How can a text stating that God is good itself be wrong? This would be contrary to the common sense which we all possess.

Even the Gospels, which describe Christ's life and ministry, state that Christ praised his father, who is the almighty God.

So, I would not get angry at such a person. Instead, I would try to reason with him and ask him to read the main books of the Bible, such as the canonical Gospels and the Old Testament book of Psalms.

Throughout its texts, the Bible mentions God's loving, forgiving, and compassionate nature.

So, the Bible is evidence that God is good. It is a precursor for Christians to know about God's essence, and therefore, the Bible is also good.

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Jamie Larson